Iotas Oy as an employer

Iotas is a company having positive, inspring, on-going and innovative working spirit. We work as a team, innovate and solve problems together. The team is a group of talented, highly motivated and engaged professionals from different parts of Finland. Due the fact that our team members mainly work on the online virtual environment, physical location has less meaning. Of course we often visit customers and other stakeholders, we have live meetings and social get-togethers, but still we prefer online working instead of pointless everyday rush hour travelling to office and back home.

We offer:

  • for more experienced professionals Iotas way of working guarantees support for continuous professional development and opportunity to deepen and expand areas of expertise working with latest technologies.
  • for experienced professionals, we may offer stock option plan. for less experienced juniors we offer fast track of development with tutoring and collaborative team work
  • Part-time is ok too. Positions available for university students

If you can imagine yourself to be part of our team, please do not hesitate to contact us iotas(at) . Send us your CV and tell us about you.